Saturday, April 15, 2017

Reservoir Dogs (and Lizards)

I mentioned before that Singapore is a very green city.  This includes not just the verdant high rises, but public open space as well.

The Entire Country
My hiking track
One such place is MacRitchie Reservoir Park in almost the middle of the island.  Built originally as the source of Singapore’s water supply, it still plays an important role to this day.  The water is surprisingly and stunningly clear.  But for me it was the trail around the lake that made it special.

Friday night (Good Friday), a few of us gathered for after work beers (a very popular thing to do in SG) and someone suggested a Saturday late afternoon hike.  Quickly a WhatsApp (the go to communication tool everywhere outside the US) messaging group was set up and we were on.  Surprisingly, five of us actually showed up—it wasn’t just the beer talking.

It is very odd to jump into an Uber for a 20 minute, $12 USD right half way across a country to go for a hike, but that’s what I did.  We met up and headed out almost immediately passing monkeys on the trail (I knew I wasn’t at Edgewood Park anymore).  Then the skies opened up and it poured rain for 45 minutes.  We were walking on a trail covered by jungle canopy but the rain still got through and all of us were soaked.

When it cleared it was beautiful.  Light mists played gently over the lake.  Late afternoon light streamed through the trees.  And hardly anyone was there.  It was hard to believe I was smack dab in the middle of 5 million people.  It felt more like a scene from Apocalypse Now.

It got even more exotic when we noticed a Malayan monitor lizard about 1.5m long swimming up an algae covered inlet.  He (or she) kept to himself.

This ~12km 2.5 hour hike was great and one that I will do again.  But next up will be the Southern Ridges.
Team Visa --A little soaked, but having a great time

You can even buy sweat by the can if you dont sweat enough yourself

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