Monday, April 17, 2017

Rainy Days and Mondays

You would think at 58 years old I would pretty much be done with life lessons.  Well today I got one—Singapore style. 

I left the office and walked to the Tanjong Pagar MRT station as usual.  It was hot and humid—it’s Singapore, what else?.  I spent about 10 minutes underground in the train and came above ground at Bugis station and IT WAS POURING!

No worries I thought, I have my umbrella in my bag.  With the warm temperatures in Singapore the last thing that you want is any sort of jacket so umbrellas are the solution.  And it worked great.  Then standing on at the curb for my last street crossing, I learned an important lesson: DON’T STAND TOO CLOSE TO THE CURB!

A car heading onto the Ophir Flyover hit a large puddle of water and like a scene from a romcom, a wave of water drenched me head to toe.  The good news I was on the way home so all I could do was laugh and take my picture in the bathroom mirro 5 minutes later. 

Next time I am in the rain you can bet I will be 5-10m back from the curb.  Lesson Learned!



  1. Rainy days and Monday's ....or Friday's!

    1. No, it was a Monday. Sitting here in Bali catching up on posts. Mopre to come...
