“May the Force be with You.” Well, how about “May the

Since coming here at the end of February, I had been
planning to visit Gardens
by the Bay, but just hadn’t gotten around to it. It’s hard to miss with its flower
and cloud
forest domes, and supertrees
that are visible from many places in Singapore, including the roof of my apartment
building. I just hadn’t gotten
around to visiting yet.
A coworker mentioned that there was going to be a Star Wars
light show this weekend and I thought “why not?”. So off I went—a long with thousands of
others. Nothing like trudging along like
cattle in the Singapore heat and humidity.
Once I got in the supertree grove I pulled up a piece of ground and
waited 5 minutes for the show to begin.
And, this being Singapore, PROMPTLY at 7:45 the show began
and it was pretty damn cool. Worthy of
Disney, the show lasted about 20 minutes, then it was the trudge back to the
MRT station—worse this time because there were those of us leaving, and a like number of people coming for the
next show. Bedlam (Singapore style).